Passbook, Transaction, and Document Printers

All Craden Printers Made in the USA

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Proper Ribbon Shield Installation in DP8 & DP9


Ribbon shield installation is easy, but you have to pay attention

This instruction also available on here to watch the Craden ribbon shield video on You-Tube


Ribbon shields keep copy streak free. They can, however, cause problems if they are worn or bent during installation. The DP8 and DP9 were designed to leave the ribbon shield in the printer while ribbons are replaced. If you need to remove a ribbon shield, pull it out to the right as shown below.



After raising carriage with the lifter ring, center the carriage and pull the ribbon shield down and out to the right.



Before reinstalling shield, check that the shield face is perpendicular to the shield base or back



Exploded diagram. Shield rests between ribbon guide plate and carriage.



 Shield is inserted carefully behind ribbon guide plate and in front of carriage



Carriage assy. removed from machine for clarity. Shield inserted correctly between ribbon guide plate and carriage



Carriage assy. removed from machine for clarity. Shield inserted INCORRECTLY. Half behind carriage. When lifter ring is raised shield will be bent irreparably.



Different view: Carriage assy. removed from machine for clarity. Shield inserted correctly between ribbon guide plate and carriage


Different view: Carriage assy. removed from machine for clarity. Shield inserted INCORRECTLY. Half behind carriage. When lifter ring is raised shield will be bent irreparably.

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